
Focal is a theme built for the popular content management system WordPress. Focal is a minimalistic theme that can be used to style your website. Focal is built by Owen Jennings and includes multiple layouts for free.

Focal includes a header menu, a footer menu, and a widget area below the blog posts pages. Blog posts and pages can include featured images that will be displayed above the page title. By default, the theme includes the following color scheme:

  • White: #f2f2f2
  • Black: #333333
  • Blue: #007dd1
  • Green: #19b863

At any point, a site owner can change the default link colors and background, using the customizer tab.


Before downloading the theme, please view the style guide page to see how each element appears. If you like the appearance of the theme, visit the homepage to download a .zip file containing the theme. To download the theme onto your WordPress admin panel, go to the themes tab located inside the Appearance submenu. In the top left corner, click the “Add Theme” button.

Click “Upload Theme” in top left corner

Next click the “Upload Theme” button. Inside this page, you will have an option to upload the .zip file download from your computer. Congrats! You have now successfully installed this theme.

Focal can be used by anyone for any non-commercial or commercial project. Attributions to the theme website and author are appreciated but not required. This theme has not been completely tested for every WordPress version.


Due to time restrictions, not all support requests can be answered. This theme is not a completely built out project. To add new features or change the functionality of this theme, please consider hiring a WordPress freelance developer. For small changes, assistance with copying a layout into your website, or to report a bug with the theme, please email the theme author at owen@otj.rocks.
